So…I realize that I have had this blog for 2 years now and I have posted quite a few things for me but my medical school sections are really to give you guys information about my journey and potentially help you along the way. I have been writing posts semi-regularly Continue Reading
Waitlisted? Here’s how to improve your chances of getting in
As some of you might know, I applied to medical school more than once and I attribute my success at getting into school to my determination and a little bit of people skills. If medicine is the right path for you as the universe intended–you will make it. If it Continue Reading
Rejection and Reapplication
As the cycle year comes to an end and you are waiting to hear from all of the schools that you applied to, I want to give a few words of advice from my reapplication. Dealing with rejection and silent rejections is really challenging. I definitely had some elements of Continue Reading
Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
I know it’s been a while since I posted some thoughts, but I feel so free now that my finals just ended. That invincibility I feel is not always going to last but I will relish in that feeling for as long as I can. I recently went to a Continue Reading
Surviving Medical School Series
It has been a rough month or so, with exams and holidays and more exams. I am usually really good about taking care of myself but the past month has been difficult. We got back to school and Thanksgiving was around the corner but we had 4 exams after coming Continue Reading
How I Landed Admission to Medical School/AZCOM
So I recently revealed in my Youtube video my journey to medical school (link here), but I also wanted to have a more specified story about my successful cycle for AZCOM and so that I can have it in writing on this blog. The plus side is the writing doesn’t Continue Reading
My TOP 5 Stationary Recommendations
I guess this is more of my space to rant about the things I love and some products I have used that I believe deserve a shout out. I have been recommending these things to people for quite some time now and I believe I should write a post about Continue Reading
Life Balance
I wanted to stress the importance of balance in life, whether you are a medical student like I am or working on your daily hustle. Social media has glamorized a certain lifestyle and focus through very specific and tailored content and I specifically promote myself in a way that shows Continue Reading
Validate Yourself
Self-validation is a skill I need to find. I am constantly searching for approval, whether it is from friends, mentors or parents. I have always been the type to ask “Is what I am doing ok?” I was speaking with a counselor and she validated me too when I asked Continue Reading
Another year has gone by since I have been born. Every year on my birthday I find some time to reflect on how loved I am. By all the people I have known and left some mark on in their lives. I know I am still in my early twenties Continue Reading