So I stopped eating meat about 5 years ago now and one of the things I miss eating from the Asian cuisine is dumplings and potstickers and wontons. I used to eat these so regularly and I have tested a few fillings but this is my favorite by far. It Continue Reading
The Stages of Grief Series of Poetry; for those going through a breakup
Reflection/Denial I love myself as I amI love my self when I grow,Sometimes I stress when I cramYet you support me that I know No one can be complete all the timeJust look at how I wrote this rhymeI want to help us become more braveNot entrapped like a slave Continue Reading
How I am coping with quarantine
Hi everyone, I think it has been hard to deal with what’s going on in the world today but from the medical student perspective I can only live my life and strive to be more productive so that I can be the change in the world for others. I haven’t Continue Reading
Heart Transplant
Hi everyone this is not actually about medicine it is a poem I wrote for someone while I was falling in love. I just decided I would share it with everyone especially since this is a time of strength and I feel my vulnerabilities are a source of strength. Enjoy Continue Reading